Saturday May 09, 2020
Anarcho-syndicalism Theory and Practice by Rudolf Rocker, Chapter 1. Anarchism
Saturday May 09, 2020
Saturday May 09, 2020
Read the full text here: https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/rudolf-rocker-anarchosyndicalism
Rudolf Rocker (1873-1958) was an anarchist writer, historian, and activist. He wrote extensively on anarchist movements and thinkers. He is perhaps best known for his book "Nationalism and Culture," which criticizes nationalism, religion, and the state.
In this chapter, Rocker introduces various schools of anarchism and compares them to liberalism, democracy, and authoritarian communism. He also outlines anarchism's critique of capitalism and the state.
Saturday May 02, 2020
The only hope for Ireland by Alexander Berkman
Saturday May 02, 2020
Saturday May 02, 2020
Full text here: https://usa.anarchistlibraries.net/library/alexander-berkman-the-only-hope-of-ireland
"If your object is to secure liberty, you must learn to do without authority and compulsion. If you intend to live in peace and harmony with your fellow-men, you and they should cultivate brotherhood and respect for each other. If you want to work together with them for your mutual benefit, you must practice cooperation. The social revolution means much more than the reorganization of conditions only: it means the establishment of new human values and social relationships, a changed attitude of man to man, as of one free and independent to his equal; it means a different spirit in individual and collective life, and that spirit cannot be born overnight. It is a spirit to be cultivated, to be nurtured and reared, as the most delicate flower it is, for indeed it is the flower of a new and beautiful existence." - Alexander Berkman
Friday May 01, 2020
In Praise of Idleness by Bertrand Russell
Friday May 01, 2020
Friday May 01, 2020
Special release for International Workers Day. Text of essay can be found here http://www.zpub.com/notes/idle.html
Russell argues that if labour was equitably shared out amongst everyone, resulting in shorter work days, unemployment would decrease and human happiness would increase due to the increase in leisure time, further resulting in increased involvement in the arts and sciences.
Saturday Apr 25, 2020
Learning from Ferguson by Peter Gelderloos - Part 03 a World Without Police
Saturday Apr 25, 2020
Saturday Apr 25, 2020
Full text here https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/peter-gelderloos-learning-from-ferguson
Learning from Ferguson is a collection of essays from Anarchist theorist Peter Gelderloos on the rebellion in Ferguson Missouri in 2014 in protest to the police murder of Michael Brown and other African Americans.
This essay theorises what a world without the institution of police would look like.
Saturday Apr 18, 2020
Learning from Ferguson by Peter Gelderloos - Part 02 What's Worked in the Past
Saturday Apr 18, 2020
Saturday Apr 18, 2020
Full text here https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/peter-gelderloos-learning-from-ferguson
Learning from Ferguson is a collection of essays from Anarchist theorist Peter Gelderloos on the rebellion in Ferguson Missouri in 2014 in protest to the police murder of Michael Brown and other African Americans.
This essay looks at historical the Civil Rights movement and tackles some pernicious myths about it and the supposed role of pacifism.
Saturday Apr 11, 2020
Saturday Apr 11, 2020
Full text here https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/peter-gelderloos-learning-from-ferguson
Learning from Ferguson is a collection of essays from Anarchist theorist
Peter Gelderloos on the rebellion in Ferguson Missouri in 2014 in
protest to the police murder of Michael Brown and other African
This essay focuses on the role of the police and the professional left.
Saturday Apr 04, 2020
Indigenous Revolutionary Clandestine Committee - EZLN on Covid-19
Saturday Apr 04, 2020
Saturday Apr 04, 2020
Full text http://www.csia-nitassinan.org/spip.php?article1119
Statement by the Zapatista army on the Covid19 outbreak,
Saturday Mar 28, 2020
In defense of Smashing Cameras by Anonymous
Saturday Mar 28, 2020
Saturday Mar 28, 2020
You can find the full text here https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/anonymous-in-defense-of-smashing-cameras
This text presents an argument in favor of smashing cameras and against the practice of photographing demonstrations. Arguing that the practice of taking photos is detrimental to social struggles as it increases repression, encourages passivity, and simply gets in the way – this zine encourages people to adopt a confrontational approach towards photographers. Alongside this, it presents a series of suggestions and tips for photographers who identify with social struggles and who wish to see themselves as participants rather than spectators. This text raises important questions that folks need to engage with in light of the pervasive surveillance that exists in the contemporary era.
Monday Mar 23, 2020
Monday Mar 23, 2020
The letter can be read here https://enoughisenough14.org/2020/03/20/covid-19-no-one-is-safe-until-all-are-protected-open-letter-from-the-transbalkan-solidarity-group/
Open letter by the Transbalkan Solidarity Group about the impact of the Coronavirus on Migrants on the Balkan route.
Friday Mar 20, 2020
Friday Mar 20, 2020